Alec Lazarescu

Alec Lazarescu

I love technology and its potential to positively impact people’s lives. The last 17 years I’ve worked in the digital education space officially as a software engineer, DBA, director and chief architect and unofficially as sysadmin, operations, and project manager often wearing many hats at once.

I’ve also been fortunate to be a speaker and organizer for various community events in NY and NJ including a few years attending to the energized 300+ crowd at SQLSaturday NYC.

My passion is helping people learn and work more effectively whether it’s executives, programmers or math students. Automation, monitoring, metrics, management of team structures, and value stream continuous improvement have all been enablers of this mission and in the last few years they’ve all found a space under the umbrella of DevOps.

Digging into the edges of my space into QA, finance, marketing and other realms is something I enjoy as well as it gives me insight in other people’s domains and how I can find ways to leverage my knowledge to add value there or at the very least share the same vocabulary to more effectively communicate.

When I’m not by my desk I enjoy travel, reading, great food and playing volleyball.